"The rule is you have to dance a little bit
before you leave the house in the morning
because it changes the way you walk in the world."
~Sandra Bullock
Rise & Thrive Membership
Dance is the new coffee!
Join our thriving dance commUnity every Tuesday and Friday morning via Zoom for a joyful morning movement. Nourish your mind, body and soul to get your day started with abunDANCE!
How do you ususally start your day?
Scrolling? Coffee? Emails?
How you start your day greatly dictates how the rest of your day will flow. Making a conscious decision to start your day by prioritizing yourself instead of others is a mindset and movement shift that you will feel in all areas of your life.
Rise & Thrive is a practice where we prioritize self-care, self-expression and play. Intuitive movement & dance empowers you to understand and honour the innate wisdom of your body. This program is for people of all shapes, backgrounds, and sizes to move freely in a safe container of exploration and non-judgment.
Together in commUnity, we tap into our true essence and activate parts of ourselves we have forgotten. World rhythms will weave us together as a greater family and we flow freely with Love guiding each beautiful, messy, unchoreographed step.
What Is Intuitive Dance?
Intuitive dance is a freeform movement that empowers people of all shapes, backgrounds, and sizes to move freely and intuitively. It is an all-encompassing practice, a moving meditation, a fun form of exercise, a way to release stress and stagnant energy from the body, a way to connect to Spirit (God, Source, Love). This type of organic movement provides space for joy, freedom and play, to find it’s way back to your heart.
It allows you to connect to your inner world on a deeper level to access your body’s innate wisdom and expand awareness of your senses. It cultivates creativity, aids in flexibility & balance, and strengthens your cardiovascular system. It is good exercise that boosts the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain and organs.
Scientific studies have proven that a regular dance practice can reduce stress, depression, the risk of dementia and create new neural pathways to keep the brain young. It improves energy levels and helps produce feel-good hormones to keep your mood lifted all day long!
A study published in the British Medical Journal in January 2024 shows that dancing has the largest effect of any treatment for depression.
Rise & Thrive Membership
Monthly Membership Benefits:
- Start and end your week with our THRIVING dance commUnity!
- We will meet every Tuesday & Friday mornings from 7:15-8:00 am. Some days will need to be adjusted due to holidays/scheduling. These exceptions will be posted in advance.
- There will be 8 dance sessions a month.
- Our sessions will take place via Zoom.
- You will receive the Spotify playlist so you can dance through your week with the beautiful energy we cultivate together. Playlist will be updated every Sunday evening with new music for the week.
- There is a private Rise & Thrive CommUnity chat on Telegram to stay connected throughout the week. CommUnity connection is key for a thriving life.
- Option to share your intentions and/or goals for the week —only if you wish—so the commUnity can support you.
- You can also just come and dance, sharing is encouraged but not mandatory. All that is asked of you is your presence.
- Your investment is $22 per month. Your first month is free.
Dance is the hidden language of the soul.
~ Martha Graham
Thriving Client Love
I see you...
Although it may seem that you have the exact symptoms or health problems as someone else, what works for them may not work for you. It has taken you years to get where you are now in terms of your health. Years of living life the way you were taught and years of living with habits and beliefs you thought were “right” but might not be serving you any longer.
As a holistic wellness practitioner and a student of life, I am dedicated to learning as much as I can, not only about the human body, but also about human nature.
HOLISM: [1] the theory that parts of a whole are in intimate interconnection, such that they cannot exist independently of the whole, or cannot be understood without reference to the whole, which is thus regarded as greater than the sum of its parts; [2] the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental, social and lifestyle factors, rather than just the symptoms of an illness.
You were born pure, whole and complete.
Then somewhere along the way life got hard and confusing, and you weren’t taught how to navigate these feelings. So you started to do and say things that maybe didn’t feel so natural, but made you feel accepted. Maybe you felt misunderstood, or like there was something wrong with you.
There is nothing wrong with you. You are still pure, whole and complete. You only need some guidance to help you remember.
Get the "Crazy for Cacao" e-book
AND access the
"Mother Nectar" dance journey.
Two of our favourite things,
good food and great music,
to nourish your body-mind-soul.
Sign up to get them both sent
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