DREAMjunction is a multi-sensory
festival, inspiring power
and freedom from within.
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Celebrate strength of the human spirit, in a commUnity journey.

Symbio Sound System
This custom configuration delivers pure music energy, rather than the sound of a sound system, trying to make sound.
Your organism will reel in ecstasy!

Audiovisual Journey
Cinema quality projection; uniquely inspiring visuals, integrated with music;
harnessing a range of genres;
masterfully mixed by Christian Zero.

Symbio Expander
A pre-dance delight designed to nourish your DREAMjunction experience. This grounding, heart-opening elixir is prepared with Love, intentionality, and nutrient dense ingredients.

Breathwork Meditation
Guided deep breath work session that will allow you to break through mental barriers to reach deeper layers of your self. These journeys can help process emotional blocks, ignite deeper self awareness, and invite meaningful breakthroughs. Breath is life!

A Space Made Sacred
This is a safe container of non-judgement and inclusion for healing and expansion.
We feel radical self-acceptance brings us back to wholeness, which is essential to living a thriving life. We facilitate this by supporting freedom of expression, self-exploration, communion with the environment,
and our commUnity.

Intuitive Dance
Our hosts will be supporting you to tap into the innate wisdom of your body. This practice is about letting primal forces of the universe move through your organism; allowing your being to move however it feels called, even if that means laying down for 20 minutes! Intuitive dance is for mental, emotional, and physical healing. Intuitive dance is for spiritual well-being. Intuitive dance is for JOY!
What else are we here for?!?

Nourishing Dinner
Food has the power to heal and nourish the body, soul, and mind. With holistic nutrition as one of our core modalities we are offering a nutritious, whole foods meal to enjoy during the social. This will include a warming Moroccan stew (choice of vegan or lamb) with rice; mixed greens & veggie salad with Italian balsamic dressing; Fincicles for dessert,
a true “treat” for the body.

Symbio Social
A space for conscious commUnity. A time to foster authentic relationships; learn about the offerings of others; share your own; and laugh! A variety of herbal teas will also be available.

Symbio Connect
Access to early notifications in our
commUnity Telegram thread. A place for
music sharing, compassionate communication, respectful activism & community offerings.

Nutritional microcosms for your macrocosm.
4 flavours will be available to stock up on:
• minimal KRAUT
• SymChi [Symbio Kimchi]
• GINBEET-G [special Garlic edition]
• L e g a c y [evolving multi-strain smörgåsbord]
“It’s hard to put this incredible experience into words and to describe how elevated I feel right now; my heart is SO full of unconditional love, joy and gratitude; I feel SO present, free, connected and SO at peace. The combination of the ecstatic dance with the breathwork is very powerful, transforming and healing. During the ecstatic dance I experienced a profound release; I felt free and powerful. The transition to the breathwork was just divine; by the first round, I was out of my body. This whole experience is out of this world!! I am very grateful for being part of the Symbio community and being around these amazing people!” -Mariana Potero
“…it fills my heart, makes me feel amazing, recharges me,
sends me home ready to tackle life again…” – Heather Doherty
“So grateful for the Symbio Community! These events created by Trish and Christian are overflowing with passion.
To be in this community where one’s creative expression can be explored and acknowledged
is liberating and beautiful.” – Liz Defreitas
“There are not many opportunities to connect or create connection outside your immediate clique. The retreat facilitated that in a meaningful way and short period, almost like an awakening for something you didn’t realize you need. I see the potential for Symbio to provide a new structure for meaningful community that so many people desire.” -Wesley S.

This is a space for body-soul-mind
expansion and exploration.
DREAMjunction is a container within which we will celebrate; heal; and acknowledge all that is sacred. We will dream together to create a loving, thriving, beautiful reality.
Symbio is an embodied commUnity, dedicated to actualizing a profoundly symbiotic humanity. If you feel resonance, we look forward to creating synergy with you.
Invite a bunch of your peeps!
Be an adventurous date!
Or be brave, and join us solo!

Stay connected via email form below,
OR shoot us a TEXT with your name to
“Honestly, I’m hooked. I’m a wellness facilitator as well and I need to be facilitated FOR! I gravitate to what feels good and right, and I received everything I needed and then some. And I’m coming back for more! So thank you, thank you, thank you Symbio and BLESS!” – Renata Preisman
“Powerful. Life changing. I feel like I’m on a new path, a path that I didn’t really have before and I just feel like I have new energy from this. The people and everything about it was inspiring.” – Mary Raponi-Smart
“It was just so beautiful and so all encompassing. And I just felt free, free to move without judgment. Free to listen, to hear, to be a part of a community without judgement.” – Sheera Kaminsky
“..a pious and great initiative. I think more people should get involved. The intent is the wellbeing of human life, so this is going to be our future. Future generations; they need to live; we have to think now.” -Dr. Pramod Pandey, PhD., guest speaker